Sunday, September 16, 2007



Competition available to subscribers ONLY *There are 3 categories that you will compete in. Swimsuit, Evening Gown and TALENT. There is also a final question that you will have to answer.You need to dress up your Medoll in each of the 3 categries. You can either save it in your album or use sceneries (or a combination). On each entry please indicate your name, age and the state or country that you represent. SWIMSUIT- We are looking for fashion, beauty and creativity. Spice it up a bit. Accessorize! EVENING GOWN- We are looking for your most glamourous and beautiful creations. Be as unique as you can.TALENT- Here is where you can really let lose. (Sceneries might be better for this) Show us what your talent is whether it be singing, dancing, playing an instrument or any other amazing talent that you can express in a picture. You need to state in the album or in comments what your talent is, what song (if any) you are performing to and why. After all of your categories are completed. You have the choice of answering one of the 4 final questions listed below. This will qualify for 25% of your final score, so please think about your answer and respond with intelligence and maturity.

1. What is your most redeeming quality? Why?
2. What do you think is the biggest problem facing teens today? Explain.
3. If you could put 3 things in a time capsule what would they be? Why?
4. If you could change anything in the world what would it be? Why?

Please send the questions to my e-mail after you have completed everything else.

The winner will receive:
1 FREE Broadcast announcing her win.*
the priviledge of being the host (medoll)of our new ballroom page.
-It will be your medoll and name pictured there, but it will be run by GoldStarVillage.
* the position of Head Judge for 3 months.
* 1 FREE gift

DEADLINE 10/17/07

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